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Regional Broadband Dialogues

Convening broadband stakeholders at a state, county and local level to enhance capacity for county governments to plan, coordinate, secure funding for and ultimately execute broadband projects.


This is a watershed moment for broadband strategic planning throughout Maine. With a significant infusion of federal funding for broadband now available through the recent American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and various grant programs we have an unprecedented opportunity to advance broadband projects that align connectivity needs with education, health and economic development priorities.

The Maine Broadband Coalition, in collaboration with the Co-Hosts listed below, is leading an effort to convene broadband stakeholders at a state, county and local level to enhance capacity for county governments to plan, coordinate, secure funding for and ultimately execute broadband projects.  We anticipate this event to contribute to an ongoing series of dialogues.

  1. To increase capability for regional coordination for broadband investments across multiple sectors amidst the infusion of federal recovery and stimulus funds. 

  2. To distribute capacity to localities to do the necessary planning, outreach, data collection and project development. 

Regional Broadband Dialogues "Kick-Off" Event

Friday, June 25 @ 9am

Regional Broadband Dialogues Digital Flyer.png

Who Should Attend

County administrators;  emergency management agencies; Economic Development Districts; municipalities, utility districts, regional chambers of commerce, healthcare providers, and libraries; school boards / superintendents and institutions of higher learning, 

What To Expect

Highlights include:

  1. an overview of available broadband funding,

  2. why regional broadband planning is more important than ever,

  3. key considerations for effective multi-stakeholder regional planning, 

  4. guidance on effective planning and elements of regional standardization 


Please complete the form here: in addition to registering via zoom so we can make the most of your time and effort.  A zoom link will be provided to registered participants.


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© 2020 Maine Broadband Coalition

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