Regional Broadband Dialogues Kick Off Event Recording
Maine Broadband Coalition
The Maine Broadband Coalition, in collaboration with the Co-Hosts listed on the flyer, is leading an effort to convene broadband stakeholders at a state, county and local level to enhance capacity for county governments to plan, coordinate, secure funding for and ultimately execute broadband projects. We anticipate this event to be the first in an ongoing series of dialogues.

American Rescue Plan - Get Ready Maine
Maine Broadband Coalition
Join MBC as we discuss the American Rescue Plan Act, and what it means for the state of broadband in Maine. Featuring Senator Angus King, Peggy Schaffer of ConnectMaine, and Nick Battista of the Island Institute. Click the link below to view a recording.

ConnectMaine - Updated Grant Information
Maine Government
Infrastructure Grants - Expanding affordable broadband through creative solutions for affordable broadband service to the unserved areas of Maine and promote the policies of the State related to broadband service.
Community Broadband Planning Grants - Awarded to communities to produce plans that define local broadband needs, goals and encourages adoption of identified best practices by participating municipalities and organizations.

The Fight to Connect Maine with Nick Battista
Maine Conservation Voters
Join Maine Conservation Voters at their Lunch & Learn with Nick Battista, Senior Policy Officer for the Island Institute, and chair of the ConnectMaine Authority Board, as they discuss the state of broadband connectivity in Maine and what you can do to help guarantee equal access across the state.

If We Build It, Will They Come? Lessons From Open-Access, Middle-Mile Networks
Benton Institute for Broadband & Society
Residential and small-business customers have too few options for fixed, robust broadband service. We need more competition, and more broadband deployment. This policy brief concentrates on one solution—the construction of open-access, middle-mile networks.

Slide Deck
American Rescue Plan - Get Ready Maine
Maine Broadband Coalition
Click below to see a slide deck from the ARPA webinar. Covers information on Funding Streams, COVID Funding, the American Recovery Plan Act funding, and some next steps for communities to take advantage of funding opportunities.

Why rural Americans are having a hard time working from home
Most rural US households don't have access to internet that is fast enough to learn or work remotely. Hard-working Americans share their experience with poor internet connectivity including Nancy Kennedy, a farmer in Washington, Maine who has been encouraged to shift her operations to online. These tasks require technologies that her bandwidth cannot handle.